Jumat, 30 Maret 2012


Located at the heart of Bogor, it is world class botanical gardens, covering an area of around 85 hectares. Officially opened by the Dutch in 1817, it was from these gardens that early researchers developed various crops such as tea, cassava, tobacco and cinchona. The park is still a major cente for botanical research in Indonesia. More than 15,000 plant species grow in this garden, including 400 kind of palm and more than 5,000 kind of orchid varietes from various regions in Indonesia. Many of the trees are centuries old. In the northwest cornet of the gardens you can view the Presidential Summer Palace that formerly was the official residence of the Dutch governors-general from 1870 to 1942.

From Bogor, drive across this beautiful 1400-meter high pass, winding mountain road that passes through small resort town and tea plantations you will arrive to Puncak that meaning "summit". At this high altitude, it's cool and often misky. Tea pickers with their colorful costumes and big broad hats are good objects for photo lovers. It is popular escape from the heart and crowds of Jakarta.

The Taman Safari Indonesia or Indonesia Safari Park is a drive-through game park created for animals in an environment as close as possible to their natura habitat. Watching various kinds of animal from all continents roaming nearby your tour bus is a very interesting experience that can not be found in other zoos. Adjacent to the park is Baby Zoo which will offer another interest where you could hold friendly lions cubs, shake hands with orangutans and see a very unique white tiger.

Ciater is a pretty little place in the middle of huge tea estate. Its main attraction is the Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort; the pools are probably the best of all the hot springs around Bandung. You can enjoy swimming in warm sulphurous water pools that can heal rheaumatism and skin problems (note: pool ticket will be on your own expenses).

The name Tangkuban Perahu or the 'overturned boat' derived from Sundanese 'Sangkuriang' legend. Its craters are remnant of a gigantic collapsed  volcano; it still simmers and bubbles, sending up deadly sulphurous fumes. Its last serious eruption was in 1969, filling the area with black clouds, ash, and mudflows. Tangkuban Perahu crater is easily accesible by car that makes its as impressive sights.

No discussion of Bandung sights would be complete without mentioning of its famous jeans street, Jalan Cihampelas. This is a commercial area, which offers a huge collection of jeans and the most beautifully decorated shop. It is the ultimate in arts and has to be seen to be believed.

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